I woke up today on the wrong side of the bed,
I’m irritable, antsy, hanging on by a thread.
I tried a new recipe and it didn’t turn out,
I just want to throw in the towel, scream and shout.
My patience for my kids is starting to wilt…
And soon I’m sure I’ll feel the dreaded mom guilt.
I picked a fight with my husband, what was it about?
I’m not even sure but I just want to pout.
I skipped my workout so I beat myself up.
My motivation feels as empty as my cup.
I hate my body, my hair won’t abide.
Everyone is getting a glimpse of my worst side.
Why can’t it just be tomorrow already?
I want to be my usual self, confident and steady.
These days are so tough, they wear you down.
I usually feel technicolor but today I feel brown.
It’s just a bad day, there will be others I’m sure…
But the good ones outshine them – they are the cure.
Today gets harder with each second that passes.
Oh well, tomorrow I’ll dust off my rose-colored glasses.