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These 6 Amazon Products will help you Optimize Your 2023


This was our latest big home purchase and I wasn't as sold as my husband was - that is, until it got to work. We have had some cheaper versions of the iRobot in the past and none of them stood up to the toddler + Golden retriever hair double threat. This one does both with smart technology that maps your house so that it doesn't get trapped under chairs or tangled up in those many many chargers by your bedside.

First the standing desk, now the walkingpad. This foldable treadmill is perfect for getting those steps in while you work. It is an easy and efficient way to up your activity every day and there is a $50 off code right now. Not all walkingpads have the ability to fold away either and this one packs up compact so it can be stored away under a couch or bed when not in use.

This is a no brainer. We all are using our devices constantly meaning they get dirty quick. This is a two-in-one click and clean screen clearer that has screen-friendly cleaner and a built in microfiber cloth to safety and effectively dry your devices. For under $15, this one is a slam dunk.

This isn't a very sexy splurge but it is a practical purchase. This finger friendly box cutter retracts when in use so you can open your Amazon boxes without the hospital visit. The blade is only exposed when squeezed avoiding any dangerous unboxing scenarios. Well worth the $30 price tag.

You may have lost your mind this holiday season, but you won't lose your belonging with tile mates essentials starter pack. This was my go-to stocking stuffer this year and includes a tile that is shaped like a credit card for your wallet, two key chain tiles for things like your car keys, and a small button shaped tile that sticks to valuable/easily misplaces items like remotes. This is a must have for the new year!

I have been on the search for the best reasonably-priced espresso maker for, maybe, years. I love a fancy, frilly latte but the $7 (not including tip) I spend at my local coffee shops daily has been wreaking havoc on my bank account. My husband surprised me with this amazing machine for Christmas and I am blown away by the ease of use, the price tag, and the automative experience. This machine grinds whole beans, froths the milk, makes different types of espresso options and self-cleans - all with the tap of a button. It is quick and idiot-proof and requires little to no set up or maintenance. Other competitor machines cost well over $1K so this is a total steal. Your mornings deserve this.



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