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Your Year, Your Goals

What do you want 2023 to look like for you? We asked and you answered. Still not sure about your own personal goals or desires? Read through the responses below to be inspired by our community!

2023 GOALS

(asterisks designate multiple responses)

Be more organized****

Be more present and intentional****

Lose baby weight**

Year of me/focus on my best self **

Be more patient**

Quality time and reconnecting with husband**

Get more rest and sleep**

Get pregnant with baby #2**

Be more active with kids

Say yes more

Set boundaries and say no more

“Who cares?” is my 2023 motto

New job

Better self-care (skin)

Pay off IVF debt

Purchase a home

Get more involved with church

Find time to move everyday, spend 1000 hrs outside


Read and write more

Drink more water

See the top of my dining room table again

Prioritize health

Finding my unicorn space

Stay cancer free

Start saving for our lake house construction

Raise more money for CHD research

Take up a new hobby (ceramics, musical instrument, rollerblading)

Make more mom friends

Be more spontaneous

Travel more

Get a promotion

Transition back to work from maternity leave

Reset kitchen before bed every night

Set up a living trust

Getting out of work earlier to spend time with family

Stop buying stuff on amazon just because it’s easy

Stop caring what people think of me

Do less

WORDS of 2023

(who doesn't love a classic word bubble to see how our responses aligned?!)

Let Us Know What You Think

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